Delivery of Equipment

  • In case that Entry Yard is Consigner's Own Yard and Delivery Yard is also Consigner's Own Yard:

    • Carry-Out of the Equipment is within three weeks after Auction close date (Purchase date).
    • Consigner is responsible for the management of the Equipment until its Carry-Out, and Carry-Out is conducted in terms of "Freight on Board."
    • Consigner is totally responsible for all the works until the Equipment is loaded onto the vehicle arranged for Carry-Out.
    • However, Consigner can refuse to load the Equipment if the vehicle for Carry-Out is a non-law-abiding vehicle or unsafe truck or trailer.
  • In case that Entry Yard is Consigner's Own Yard and Delivery Yard is one of JEN's Designated Delivery Yards:

    Consigner is required to carry his/her successfully sold Equipment into JEN' s Designated Delivery Yard at his/her own costs within one week after the Auction Close.

  • In case of Auction Entry from one of JEN's Designated Delivery Yards:

    Consigner is requested to change the Title of the Equipment to JEN immediately.